Objective of Viss® technologies : VIbration Sound System
Send coherent and physiological information to the Central Nervous System to reprogram the neuromuscular signal and modulate the efferent response, normalize the muscle-fascial tone-trophism, the contractile capacity of the fibers and activate the related metabolic processes.
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Patented Technology for many pathologies and discomforts.
Patented EU No. 1824439 Europe
Patented US N.8105254 and US N.9713567 United States
Patented RU No. 2449824 Russia
Patented CA No. 2593021 Canada
Patented IN No. 276258. India
Patented MX No. MX/A/2007/006677 Mexico
Patented BR No. PI 0518422-3 Brazil
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Made in Italy
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Muscle regenerative medicine
Post-surgical/traumatic recovery
Degenerative neurological processes
Arthritic/arthritic processes
Muscle tension processes
Postural realignment
Strength, tone and movement in the degenerative processes of the elderly
Improved proprioception
Pelvic floor disorders
Pain therapy / Trigger Point
Post-race muscle recovery
Abnormal growth of fibrotic tissue
Amateur and competitive sport, performance
Aesthetic medicine, face and body
Lymphedema and lymphatic drainage
Increased contractile capacity and resistance to fatigue
Ability to withstand higher workloads without central fatigue.

Science has shown us the way
We have studied, analyzed and implemented all the scientific studies conducted over the last two centuries on the ability of vibrational energy to interact with the Central Nervous System , to reprogram the neuromuscular signal and reset and normalize the central nervous system.
Scientific research, one of our objectives, a great value.
The collaboration with different universities and researchers has produced over 30 scientific research works published in national and international journals. We constantly invest to activate collaborations and allow our customers to use Viss ® on pathologies and discomforts with parameters and protocols tested and scientifically proven.

Why VISS ®
The value of the Square wave, guarantee of results.

Mechanical wave emitted by ViSS device mod. ONE, detected with a Picoscope oscilloscope and Medas US661-05-0058 pressure probe, measured at the transduction point, i.e. on the skin. .
The heart of the Technology: the Flow modulator that generates the square wave.
Covered by a patent, it is the instrument that allows you to produce a notable mechanical capacity at high frequencies, simultaneously on many outputs.
Thanks to it, ViSS is able to modulate the waveform and also reduce the energy necessary for therapeutic purposes to a minimum, limiting weight and size.

Company Profile Vissman
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VISS acts on human satellite cells
“Satellite cells have been defined as stem cells of adult skeletal muscle, this is because they have the function of maintaining tissue homeostasis, both in normal conditions and in the presence of damage and are simultaneously able to maintain their own population within of the fabric"